
New Website is Launched

For a very long time, I have had the desire to provide my readers with more resources on how to find, build, market and operate a real Home Based Business.

I am very pleased to announce that this is another accomplishment from my dream board. On March 30, 2008 I launched http://www.TheHomeBasedBusinessCenter.com

My new website is still under construction but as it evolves my goal is for it to be a major player in business tools and mentoring. It will be a marriage between sound business principles and personal development principles.

When you visit, you will notice a link on the home page titled: How My I help you? I strongly suggest you use this to let me know what you would like to see on this site. Tell me what tools you need and what information would help you in building your business.

I look forward to hearing from my readers.

To your success...

Click here to see my new website